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Activities 林勉豪 - Activities | 2024-09-13 | Count: 215






當低年級社團課若開不成時,是否有課後照顧的選擇呢?(If G1-G2 After school clubs are not held, is there an option for after-school care?)

現行課後照顧人數未滿 15 人不開班,最低人數下限比雙語部課後社團 9 人下限更高,更難達成。課後社團/照顧的人數下限為台南市政府制定,非學校層級可更動。
(The current after-school care program requires a minimum of 15 students to open a class, which is a higher threshold than the 9-student minimum for IBST after-school clubs, making it more difficult to meet. Please note that the minimum number of participants for after-school clubs/care is set by the Tainan City Government and cannot be changed at the school level.)


Will you implement road safety training classes any time soon?

A workshop is scheduled for Nov. 29th, during which the guest speaker will cover road safety.


I found that the fourth grade class was significantly behind in the writing courses of LA and SS compared with the previous teaching of the same year. The direction of WASC is to enable children to achieve the abilities required for that grade. I hope the school will take it seriously. Thanks!

Ensuring that our students meet the grade-level expectations in line with the WASC guidelines is a priority for us. In addition to reviewing the current curriculum and teaching methods, we also use MAP data as a reference to help track student growth and identify areas for improvement. This allows us to make informed decisions to better support our students' learning needs. We will take your feedback seriously and ensure that all necessary adjustments are made to help students achieve the required competencies for their grade.


May I request the AC to be turned on in Gym during PE lesson? Kids with asthma or eczema staying in a confined space without air conditioning, especially in hot humid summer is very uncomfortable for them.

We understand that a cooler environment can be beneficial. However, turning on the air conditioning in the gym is not feasible for the following reason: it takes at least 1-2 hours for the AC to have a noticeable effect in the gym, and it cannot be left on all day due to energy conservation. We will, however, ensure that students have access to breaks in cooler areas and stay hydrated to help manage their comfort during the lessons.


Fire Safety: We realized that many passages to escape stairs are gated even during school hours for security reasons. As a practising architect in Hong Kong, I find this is risking the users in case of fire / earthquake / any unpredictable dangers. According to the building regulations 建築技術規則建築設計施工編 cl. 76 subclause 四(三) [關閉後免用鑰匙即可開啟], the use of gates blocking escape stairs is clearly violating the said clause. Attached the link for your reference:

We will relay the message to the General Affairs Office and ask them to conduct an assessment to see if it’s applicable.


Could the school arrange each class by grade level to take a class photo each year?

The class photo is already scheduled a class photo time each year for IBST Yearbook. Additionally, class photos are taken during field trips. 


Is there somewhere secure I can lock my son's bicycle?

Students who ride bikes to school can park their bikes in the basement parking lot in building I (admin building). 


Personal Question

Personal questions will be directed to the person in charge and will be addressed accordingly in a timely manner.


Personal Question

Personal questions will be directed to the person in charge and will be addressed accordingly in a timely manner.



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