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Activities 謝宜珊 - Activities | 2024-09-12 | Count: 91


After school clubs will begin from the week of August 30th, 2024 and end by January 17th, 2025.
No after school clubs on Sports Day, National holidays and make-up school days.

The minimum number of students for each club is 9. If the number of applications exceeds the maximum allowed number, students will be accepted based on order of application until quota is filled.

社團開始上課第三週 (2024913),恕不退()社、不退費。
No club transfer or refund for club cancellation after September 13th, 2024.

費用: 教師鐘點費*上課節數/0.7(30%行政費)/ 每班參加人數=每人每學期應繳金額 
Instructor's hourly pay * hours of classes*/ 0.7 (30% administration charge) /Number of Participating Students

報名人數9-12人,費用以12人計費。 If the number of enrolled students is 9-12 people, the fee is shared by 12 students.
報名人數13-15人,費用以15人計費。 If the number of enrolled students is 13-15 people, the fee is shared by 15 students.

16人以上,費用以實際人數計算。 If the number of enrolled students is above 16 people, the fee is shared by the exact number of students.

Please note that modification may be made and posted on the club registration website.



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